Gurroles: 2015-2016 season, Uncategorized

Villa for Sale or Rent: Swindon at Home

Don’t doubt this club’s commitment – and plain common sense – to putting everything (well almost!) behind this marvellous push for promotion. Something I would often write, more in jest (or false optimism; which is the same thing surely?) than in hope:

“Promotion in our time…” is a looming reality. We just have to match whatever Burton Albion do, or better – oh and win our game in hand.

But commitment? No sooner had the ink dried on the pages of the Express and Star than the club announced a “Friend for a Fiver” game. Any season ticket holder could use up the E voucher in their season ticket and get a ticket for the said fiver to Tuesday evening’s home game against mid-table Swindon. Mid-table? No problem for the mighty Saddlers surely? And then there’s the cunning but well intentioned rabble-rousing (except we aren’t rabble are we?) from man-in-charge Jon Witney, in the press. Disguised as a too-early team news release he praises the Walsall crowd(who cheered –almost to a man, woman, child and dog)the team on to the win on Saturday.

Witney’s message is that “since you were so good on Saturday I pick you for the next game.”

Image result for jon whitney walsall

Clever, shrewd, empowering – and meant to bring a few extras in to the game.

Incidentally we are consistently one of the last teams to announce, publicly, the starting line-up for any game. This from my social media vulture and sometime soul mate Jack. He who agonises every game day because the team hasn’t been announced (on Twitter or wherever) and then rages because it has and it doesn’t quite match …

But, news from elsewhere in the local football world. A few minutes up the M6 Aston Villa have – finally – been relegated. Losing to Manchester United was the final nail in their Premier League coffin. They have been imploding quietly for some time. But now?

Two directors resigned from the recently appointed football committee (there’s stickability for you then!) and the board have apparently decided to close down the Upper Tier of the Trinity Road stand, five hundred people employed there will, it is said need to lose their jobs …

So, just maybe some of the beetroot and blue-scarved ones’ll give up the ghost and convert to Saddlerism. Frankly I don’t care who comes to the Bescot at the moment as long as they don’t cause trouble, give us some positive vibe and pay some filthy lucre into the war chest.

But, I still owe my brother for the Port Vale ticket he got me so, after quick phone call, set out on Monday to snaffle the five pound ticket. Not expecting a queue: well you don’t do you? And, sure enough there was a bit of a queue – at least ten buyers ahead of me. The guy in front had a bag under his arm as if he had packed for a day waiting. Turned out he has diabetes and that was his bloods kit, insulin et cetera – just in case. We got to chatting; West Brom (that fabulous Paul Merson goal), Follows park ( the memorable low- level gents toilet with no roof (no really!)) and, eventually – how on earth could we possibly get out of , er … going up this season. Both of us, obviously veteran Walsall junkies. Experienced in all kinds of avoidance strategies: losing a cup game, not quite getting relegated for example. Pulling irons out fires; then sinking a beer or two.

Image result for fellows park walsall fc

Big, frustrating queues on the way home on Tuesday and I’d had hardly a drink all day. So dehydrated, but expectant. Strong coffee at bro’s house, the sun beating into our eyeballs on the way to the game. I’ll probably remember that I need sunglasses and do something about it around about September!

Parked up. Into the Savoy Lounge. Meting up with Cully, Andy, matt and Mike. The aforementioned social media furious one at home ill and suffering. None of us think that’ll prevent him getting the up-dates on Twitter.


A pint of cool lager and, body fluids reaching some kind of equilibrium we take our seats. Yessss! The crowd is definitely up for it: loud, proud and, as usual could do with a few more bodies. But don’t doubt the spirit please>

Nor the players. Brave decision by the coaches to put main man (in theyes of many) Tom Bradshaw on the bench and start the team that eventually stopped Southend. And they are forward going. Hiwula looking really fresh and full of running. Lalkovic and Henry still seeming a little disjointed on the left but Demetriou and Forde doing well down the right.

But Swindon are not cowed. Indeed they seem to be finding spaces and getting through to have some, admittedly feeble or ill-directed, shots. Walsall, on the other hand are impatient – in a good way. Getting somewhere near and letting one go! Bomb! Bomb! Boom! Quite different from our usual pedantic don’t shoot until you can pass into the net kind of style. It’s impressive but, sadly no more effective. At half time we are nil – nil. Still not losing –and I am looking for any positives.

Arch rivals Burton are at home to league One leaders Wigan this evening. We are quietly hoping that Wigan do a job on ‘em, wreck their confidence and steal all three points. Yes, all right our destiny is in our own hands, but a little Wigan intervention wouldn’t go amiss would it?


Despite the weather forecast of closer-later it is still rather warm. There is talk of telegraph poles, Lawrence of Arabia, families, trying to plan a weekend away – but not knowing the fixtures – only four games left (barring play offs of course) and work.

Second half kicks off. Impetus with us; Swindon breaking skilfully now and then. I am suddenly, instinctively tense: they are breaking through the middle, having a shot. It is deflected away. But only to a running-on midfielder, Michael Doughty, who coolly slots the ball home.

How many times has this happened?

But, then again, how many times have we broken back – and made it all right?

There are substitutions. Demetriou, suffering after a knock, off and Liam Kinsella on. Lalkovic and Forde off: Bradshaw and Kieron Morris on. He’s only been on the pitch a couple of minutes, young Kieron when he picks up the ball, drops a shoulder, runs into the penalty area and swings a good boot through the ball – and we are in it again. But that is as good as it will get. Rumours around are that Burton have also come back from one nil down – another game that will end up as a draw: curses!

Needless to say, there’s a group of us heading up to Bradford on Saturday!

Gurroles: 2015-2016 season, Uncategorized

A Trip Too Far: Fleetwood Away.

Still buzzing after the lift the season suddenly got with the win – and blistering performance and commitment – at Chesterfield the weekend gone.

But work is work – and my car needed to undergo its annual Ministry of Transport test. Duly booked in for the day we play at Fleetwood. Enough time to do a day’s work, pick it up and get to the Highbury Stadium just north of Blackpool?


So concerned with the M.O.T. that I left my lunch time sarnies at home, the canteen food does not appeal to me and, dammit I was unable to get out because a) I was too busy and b) honestly, I just couldn’t be bothered to go through the rigmarole of keys and going off-site.

So made do with a few chocolate biscuits, some birthday cake (a tradition where I am working) and coffee. Great, but neither healthy nor enough to fill a belly that grumbled all afternoon.

Some work – a back spring was needed to get the car its roadworthiness certificate. The garage managed it, and I arrived to get the car at around 5.30. My time to get to Fleetwood? Two hours and five minutes said my sat-nav gadget.

But there’ll be speed restrictions between here and Stoke, queues around Manchester … so, a little chicken headed, and still needing food, I decided to stay home, find a way to keep up with the scores, if nothing else while typing.

Image result for traffic jams m6 manchester

I check out the official web-site: there’s something called Saddler’s Player (but it costs money I haven’t got) but BBC WM are covering the full match. So I pile up the cushions, and listen to a very positive, energetic pre-match build-up. What a refreshing change: no patronising, simple fast-paced segues of past goals, interviews and some latest news, interspersed with humour.

“it wasn’t broken, somebody tried to fix it … didn’t do a very good job,” says one presenter about our playing style.

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The cliché from Sam Mantom is a cliché only because it is correct, but, even as he says it, I am wincing (his turn-around performance was, after all, key to our success on Saturday Even so …

The teams are unchanged: pleasing news.

Heads down and trust in the Lord, it’s almost time.

Half time and the enthusiastic energy of the commentators is flagging. There are no goals and there are only so many ways, I guess, that you can describe passing about the pitch. There are no pundits “back in the studio” to share the load, although former goalkeeper and current Community manager, Mick Kearns gives a few sage words of uncompromising opinion at half time. I have always admired his no-nonsense honesty, even when it is harsh.

And, I am going to have to eat some of my earlier words here (or edit them out).

On forty nine minutes Hiwula and that man Mantom (with a back-heel) combine to work the ball to Tom Bradshaw who scoops the ball into the Fleetwood net.

Image result for fleetwood 0 walsall 1

“Goals change – er, ahem – games after all!”

This is our game in hand, being played at the third time of asking: postponed twice because of poor weather. And if we can hold on to those three points we are, at last, level with Wigan: second but for goal difference (that’ll be third then, I hear you thinking).

And I’m thinking it doesn’t seem so long ago that Stephen Pressley and his son were siting talking to us at Bescot, commenting on what a great job Dean Smith was doing at Walsall on a miniscule budget. Now he’s manager at Fleetwood – and losing so far.

Our “big-engine” leader by example Chambers is injured; left knee. Long term? Who knows, but is taken off and the willing Liam Kinsella comes on. And Etheridge keeps us in the game near the end with a couple of excellent saves.

Three hundred and thirty some Walsall fans managed to get to the game. I am satisfied. And am raring to go to the home game on Saturday: let’s get some more goals then: Colchester at home.
