Everyone's a Manager, Playing Away

Finally: The Finale.

There’s really only one way to start this one: final match of the season: Bristol City, run away champions (and the team that spoiled our Wembley party!) at their home ground. Was I too slow to get tickets sorted out (that would be unusual), not really bothered or happy not to be there As it turned out definitely the latter!

There was whole match commentary on BBC WM. I made do with listening to that. Sounded as if we were playing well. Certainly when we went one nil up (Jordy Hiwula). Pulled back to one all, then two one down, but at half time back level: another Jordy Hiwula goal. I am – pleasantly surprised, this is something I didn’t, truly expect. But I am prepared, in the way I suppose all fans will be, to accept the fantastic change in form and focus that has us toe-to-toe with the runaway (and deservedly so) champions of our league. At the ir ground!

I make up reasons: we have been playing markedly better recently haven’t we? And, maybe Bristol City are just going through the jolly old motions: it is the last game of the season and they can’t be too concerned, maybe they’re just enjoying the afternoon eh?

Abso- blinking – lutely not! Because after half time we collapse: utter, abject and terrifyingly … what? Frustrating? Yes! Embarrassing? Yes! Both and more.

O.K., O.K. champions in a different class and all that, but 8 – 2?

Wolves fan on Facebook posting

“Notice the cricket’s started early in Bristol then?”

I’m thinking

“Well, if you can’t stand a joke you shouldn’t have bought another season ticket!” and smiling, a little grimly to myself.

The Football league has apparently come up with a new deal that will have games (not Premiership ones) on Channel Five. Seems it’ll mean lower league clubs get more money. Heard something about the Football Association also getting money which might mean genuine grass-roots football gets a bit more cash – and much needed too. Kicking a ball about is simple, good exercise at the very least. It gets more complicated when tribal loyalties are flexed, but that’s not always bad.

Of course as the football season comes to a close we are into the cricket season beginning.

Elsewhere – and, honestly I delayed posting this until there was something else I could more happily put out there – there is a new Royal Princess: Charlotte, born to Kate and William, who bless ‘em have done so much to re-popularise the monarchy and bring it up to date. Best wishes to the family. On a more mercenary level it will do a lot to bring money into the country: the whole souvenir and tourist business set to be boosted. My wife and I have booked a close season (I hope, but know it’s cutting it fine) tour of Buckingham palace and the Houses of parliament.

Speaking of which, the latest political news is that the Conservative party have won an outright majority in our general elections (so much for my prediction powers then) and Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg and Nigel Farage, leaders respectively of labour, liberal Democrats and United Kingdom Independence Party have all resigned. North of the border the Scottish Nationalist Party have won all but three seats in the House of Commons. Exciting times ahead perhaps, even if only in the sense of that Chinese (“May you live in interesting times,”) curse.

Back if ever so briefly to football: Coventry City and Crewe escaped relegation to League Two and Shrewsbury and Burton Albion are being promoted: fairly accessible local games to travel to next season (already the optimism is appearing!).

Wolves fan on Facebook posting (about the Bristol result):

“Notice the cricket’s started early in Bristol then?”

I’m thinking

“Well, if you can’t stand a joke you shouldn’t have bought another season ticket!” and smiling, a little grimly to myself.

