Gurroles: 2015-2016 season, Uncategorized

Cut Throat but Brave? Living in Hope.


I’m sitting at home. Mulling over the thrashing we were given by Barnsley. Just mulling. Oh and checking out Facebook. Did I mention it was Mother’s Day?

I’d been up at the allotment and was back at home expecting my brother to appear with my mother. For dinner.

… and, like a kick to the stomach I am reading an official statement from Walsall F.C. that we have parted company with Sean O’Driscoll. While I’ve been sitting, pontificating the board have taken a massive step – and dismissed the manager (well, technically the head coach, but who’s splitting hairs here?). I am shocked.

So: we are now seeking our third manager in one season.

The failure to win home games: the perceived – hey, even I could see it – lack of enthusiasm, the strange loan-signings not used and unusual team selection choices finally flipped the switch.

I have to admit that I liked the talking-up done about O’Driscoll as he was ushered into the role (back in December). He was steady, had good experience, knew the set-up, promised not to change too many things too quickly, seemingly had good contacts and some credibility and a history of looking after youth development.

It all meant very little when it actually came to the Mr Smack moments.

And so, a little sadly, we bid him farewell.

Did he have enough games in charge?

There is never a right answer to that question is there, not really.

But, during his time with us, I have watched a genuine promotion gallop become a trot. I am glad that the Walsall board bit the bullet while there is still a chance to get back on the rails. Hell, there is even a chance to re-ignite the automatic promotion fuse again.

And this is a statement too about the board’s commitment to winning promotion. Fans have been critical in the past: conspiracy theories about how owner Jeff Bonser was more than happy for us to languish in this league; would rather we were not promoted.

But this?

Has to go against the flow of that tide.

We are in the best shape since “Sir” Ray Graydon was at the helm to make a move. And, it seems the board don’t want to waste the chance.

So the Cautious One is out … odds are being laid as to the next new man … perhaps Mark Cooper (one time manager at Tamworth and just “let go” by Swindon). Hang on, “just let go”; let’s think about that one shall we?

Might be a good move to go back to Jon Witney and Neil Cutler (with John Ward in the background) and see what happens.

Whatever happens I am positively thinking now about getting a posse together to head up to Chesterfield on Saturday.

Before this news I was struggling to be bothered.


Close Season

The Drama and the Pantomime Villain.

World Cup Finals

Brazil vs Chile

I am sitting here, exhausted, less by a yesterday spent  helping to decorate our  daughter’s new house  than by the couple of breath taking hours I have spent watching exciting drama unfold in Belo Horizonte. A match full of thrills, spills, endless endeavour and end to end football. A game that showed skilful players can also go toe-to-toe, taking and dishing out hard – but generally fair – physical punishment. Long-range and accurate shooting, long mazy dribbles, one-two passes, headers, agility from both keepers, and a stadium filled with supporters out to enjoy the spectacle and give their teams total support. A game that had me on the edge of my seat. A game that would have made a marvellous final.

The stadium filled with fans wearing either the bright yellow of Brazil or the proud red of Chile. Fans grouped and mixed together. Another level of atmosphere altogether.

Effort, pride, skill and emotion as the game see-sawed from end to end. Brazil taking the lead. The Chilean manager Jorge Sampaoli striding like a Ted Hughes caged tiger in the technical area, tense like a fist. Prowling. The tactics he had given his team worked. A loose throw in, possession seized and the ball beautifully turned into the Brazilian penalty box for Alexis Sanchez to rifle the ball into the net.

Some refereeing I was, at first annoyed by, big tackles going without remark or warning. But credit to Howard Webb and his two assistants (retrospectively) for letting the tow teams rip into each other with full-blooded challenges and muscle. Braver still in the early part of the second half he disallowed a Hulk goal for handball … when t=it would have been far, far easier to let it stand and give the well-supported home team the edge.

Instead the decision seemed to rock the Brazilian team a lot. Chile pressed them back and back and back and were on top for long spells – just could not score.

Inevitably extra time came and went. Penalties!

Great saves by Julio Cesar kept the first Chile penalties out, but the team rallied. Drew level. A fine display of nerves from all involved, but especially Neymar, tempting Claudio Brava (Chile’s captain) into diving (he didn’t) before the ball was struck. Brazil went through when their last penalty taker hit the post.

But what a brave effort and what an inspiring spectacle for the world audience.

It could have been the final, so intense was the competition. It could have been none of the better English derby game, with the strength of tackles and challenges going in; the exhausting amount of commitment shown by all.

Contrast this to the despicable, truly irrational behaviour of a most talented but seriously misguided Luis Suarez, biting Italian defender Chiellini during a game. Not the first time he has done this, having previously done so while wearing an Ajax and a Liverpool shirt. Both punished.

This third offence, seen by a world wide audience is exactly the wrong kind of example, taking the glory from what is still a simple, beautiful and beautifully simple game. He has been given a four month football ban. Long enough?

I am truly not sure.


On a more mundane, but Saddlers-style note, we have failed to get Febian Brandy back. After he was released by Sheffield United he decided to go to Championship club Rotherham. Understandable: a higher level of football, more money. But disappointing at the same tie. Wish him well – unless we play them of course!
