Gurroles: 2015-2016 season

“… this Lad on the Roof …” Colchester Away

27th October: home

Image result for tim sherwood

So, after denying “any knowledge” of the rumour that he had two games to save his job – and a home defeat to Swansea City Tim Sherwood is sacked by Aston Villa. I am not sure whether to be sorry or shrug and say

“Hey-ho, should have done better” … “and, where are you going to get a better one from, Villa?” while whistling Dixie and hoping they don’t look our way – at least while we are putting this little run together.

Meanwhile, my own team don’t seem to know just when to quit.

Take Saturday. Away at Colchester. Two goals up at half time (a re-directed shot from Romaine Sawyers and a deflected Lalkovic power-driver) they are pulled back to two all in the second half. George Evans fires us in front again. Three all, then we go behind. But in extra time O’Connor slips the equaliser in – and, before the final whistle Kieron Morris nearly steals all the points.

Four – all !

Image result for colchester 4 walsall 4 Image result for colchester 4 walsall 4

Keeps us in second place, two points behind Gillingham … and we play them on Saturday. At home (gulp! Not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad one; but I’ll take it anyway. Until this Colchester game we had shipped only two goals away from home – a key to winning games – or at least not losing them. What happened to that defence in this game? Letting in only two in seven away games … they allez oops! – four in forty five minutes? Will it happen again? That’s what football is all about really. The record that stands – and stands us in good stead – is that we are still unbeaten away from home.

I wasn’t there, a journey too far – and some dollars (no, I mean pounds sterling, but dollars is more poetic!) short.

When all the dust has settled, however, we are still sitting in second place, two points behind Gillingham … and we play them on Saturday. At home (gulp! Not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad one; but I’ll take it anyway).

The Gillingham home game will feature a guard of honour and a British Legion Poppy Appeal collection. Poppies, being one of the first flowers to grow in the churned up mud and debris of the World War One battlefields, quickly became a symbol (here in the U.K. anyway) of remembrance and the hopes for peace.

I will be donating – and wearing a poppy with pride!

Image result for the last kingdom

This evening, while I was catching up on a TV programme (The Last Kingdom, adapted from Bernard Cornwell novels) we have been drawn at home in the F.A. Cup against Fleetwood. Games to be played in/around Bonfire Night weekend (my brother’s birthday – and excuse for a big party usually). Might be we have to get the fire built early.

And from the Express and Star football columnist Matt Maher – on the joys, perhaps – of being a Barnsley supporter:

“… the most bizarre story of the weekend, however goes to the Barnsley supporter who fell asleep on the stadium toilets at Oakwell and had to be rescued by the fire brigade.

The man, believed to be in his early 20s, nodded off during half time during the Tykes 1 – 0 defeat to Fleetwood.

Waking, seven hours later, he found himself locked inside the ground.

“Usually it’s a false alarm,” said a spokesman from Barnsley’s fire station. “but we turned up and saw this young lad on the roof trying to get our attention.”

“he had no shoes on and had lost his mobile ‘phone and his hat. He was more bothered about his hat.”

The questions are, of course, many. Either way it quite the scathing commentary on the home side, who have lost five out of their last six.”

Enough said?
