Gurroles: 2015-2016 season, Uncategorized



Image result for durham lumiere 2015

Gave up the chance last weekend for a romantic weekend at the biennial Lumiere in Durham. But as things dropped out got to have my cake and eat it. Tom Bradshaw’s performances, skill and pure dogged hard work earned him a call up to train with the full Wales team … and the Shrewsbury game, postponed as part of the “international break” (Bradshaw is not just an international,” my brother smilingly said, “he’s another Walsall international!”)  has been rearranged – and I may be able to get there!


Our stunningly skilled left back Rico Henry also gets to play two times in the England under-19s. One of a number of players attracting attention from higher profile clubs (is it possible Glasgow Rangers are truly spying on Tom Bradshaw?) we can only hope that he keeps faith with us and stays; at least until the end of this season. Etheridge in goals, this-season’s-revelation Rom Sawyers and – his time will surely come – Kieron Morris (in all respects “one of our own”) are also contributing to this fantastic start to the season.

But last weekend – starting with a public address message to “evacuate the building” at the Garrick Theatre, Lichfield quickly became infamous for other reasons.

A string of co-ordinated attacks in Paris – guns and bombs – means that one hundred and thirty innocent people (in cafes, at the football international between France and Germany  and in the audience to watch an Eagles of Death Metal concert at the Bataclan) are murdered – and many more wounded. This is the work of Islamic State and is designed to cause the spread of fear and uncertainty. It is not the religion of Islam. Nor is it the desire of Muslims. It is twisted, bitter and, ultimately can only delay the enlightened peace and tolerance the world actually needs.

Image result for paris attacks 2015

An England international friendly on Tuesday night goes ahead. Security is – inevitably and properly stepped up and the crown joins together in  brave attempt at the French national anthem (The Marsellaises) and the players mixed together standing in a circle for a minute’ s silence. Respect and honour to all involved.

Image result for england v france friendly football Image result for england v france friendly football

The original attacks targeted music and sport. What was seen as a “silly and unnecessary game of football” became a symbol of unity. How very apt. The people’s game; a moment for the people.

The morning f the Sheffield United game was a little fraught. Daughter visiting; her partner replacing our kitchen tap (me and water do not mix and do not mix in a very dramatic fashion!), then we were to eat and he and I head to the game. Time passes and he gets the water flowing out of a very artistic gizmo, we eat and shoot towards Fortress Bescot. Until Bloxwich. Buses, pedestrians, giving courteous if clenched teeth way to those joining the route. Grrrr!

Decide to head past the hospital instead of past the Arboretum. Wondering if this is the change of regular routine that disturbs the runes that means we lose the game (there is a word for this taking responsibility for things beyond your individual control but I cannot remember it).

We manage to get inside the stadium and take our seats in time. The teams are coming out: Sheffield are expected to get out of League One this year and look impressive. I recognise the guy on the wing (Jamal Campbell-Ryce) as a bit of a cheat even before the game kicks off: seen him before, seen his diving and mouthing away at the refs before.

We prepare for the Minute’s silence in respect of those affected by the Paris murders. But once the whistle is blown to signal its commencement there is somebody still talking in the away end.

Not for long!

A voice booms out: broad Northern accent:

“Shut up you are a f*&%ing disgrace!”

Well said sir!


The game kicks off and we are on a charge. Playing towards the away end we press three men forwards: Morris, Lalkovic and – of course Super-Tom Bradshaw.

Goalkeepers at both ends pull off some brilliant saves. Players at both ends have some shots on target, but we have more They come back off the post, the cross bar and ricochet from shin, to boot to head and are cleared with a degree of panic, again and again so that it resembles a pinball machine inside their penalty box.

Campbell Ryce is at it again; his timing Is poor (he topples over dramatically several seconds after the challenge) but the ref falls for it. He follows the referee bending his ear. Galling and unnecessary – so why doesn’t the ref take his name? (Because it’ll take too long to write it down is all we can come up with).

Actually by half time we know we are seeing  a great game. Intense. Two sides trying to win the points. Maybe coming by the hospital is not only faster but doesn’t affect the outcome ?

Second half begins with a long delay because a Sheffield player gets caught by a limb during an innocuous challenge. But five whole minutes? Get the toe rag off the pitch and get on with the game. (noticeable that even within two minutes of coming back onto the field of play the Sheffield players are taking on water. Really? What was half time for then?

The contrast between this gamesmanship and our naïve but wonderful honesty is shown when Adam Chambers gets clobbered. He goes to the ground, kneels and wipes his eyes, then he’s up and running it off. In pain? No doubt! In line for an Oscar? Not this Saddler, bless him … and by Milan Lalkovic and Rico Henry running through challenges, having their shirts pulled and eager to stay on their feet, run on and get a pass or a cross in. Is it necessary to have the cheats on your team to get promotion? I hope not, but Sheffield have their share.

Sawyers is either off form or being marked out of the game today. He drifts about, puts in some fine accurate long passes but doesn’t have a turn-the-game moment.

…until he gets a pass on the edge of the United area, redirects it to George Evans who loops it back to an overlapping sawyers. He squirts a low, driven centre across the box, which evades every Walsall player ..

… except for Tom Bradshaw, at the far post who gleefully pokes it into the net.

Image result for walsall 1 Sheff utd 1

He is pleased! The crowd are overjoyed!  He hasn’t scored for some time now, but he’s on the trail again!

Last season I am sure that, at this point we would have sat back and tried to soak up the pressure. Today we don’t play like that any more. We keep going forward, keep throwing players up. Couple of shots are crazily off target, including one from Downing. He’s not having a great game today – passes going wrong too.

Sheffield respond – of course they do! They suddenly seem bigger, more physical and faster to the ball. Always first to the rebound and creating some chaos in our defence. Including what everybody in the ground – bar the referee – thinks is a certain penalty. The ref doesn’t want to know. Phew! Maybe he was just waiting for that moment: they’ve got every free kick when they dived, I’m not giving that one as well. Who knows?

We have tired players. Morris is replaced by Antony Forde, Lalkovic by Cook.

Then Sheffield United get the equaliser – and it’s impossible to deny that they deserved it.

Keen to get the winner we press forwards, but when to whistle goes it is one all. Coventry now sit at the top of this league, having beaten Gillingham at the Gill’s ground. They are now four points ahead of us. We have a game in hand (away at Shrewsbury) and can get past second place Gillingham if we win it.

Tuesday evening sees us going to Swindon Town, but that’s a trip I cannot make.

But another home game next Saturday: Bradford.



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